Dear Duerohanons:
This is our humble attempt of connecting Duero to the world through this blog. We are still in the process of coming up with the creation of an Official Web Site. Nevertheless, the whole world can now get into with what’s latest of our municipality, as well as, temporarily complying with DILG Memorandum on transparency in governance.
Knowledge is power! Providing you all with significant updated information is what my administration would like to share, for I am committed in promoting transparency in governance. I am very much elated that Duerohanon worldwide, interested individuals, private, and government agencies, organizations, and other instrumentalities, can now have an easy access on how the Municipality of Duero is being managed by the present administration, including knowing the path that we are taking towards progress and development.
I am inviting you all to keep yourself abreast by checking what has been posted for your information and perusal. Thanks for visiting this temporary site.
Myth on the Origin of Bohol
Monday, 01 December 2003 16:06:51
As told by an old woman who lived just below the forest of Verde, Duero, Bohol. She was known as Oyang Pinanda, meaning Great Grandma Penanda.
The people were living beyond the sky. One day, the chief's only daughter got sick. The medicine man of the barangay said: "The cure is in the roots of this wild Balili tree. Dig around it and let her arms touch the root".
They dug around the root and they placed the sick girl on the trench, when suddenly, the woman fell through the hole in the sky. Below the sky was a big water. Two gakits saw the woman fall. They caught her lightly on their backs where she rested. The gakits found Big Turtle. When Big Turtle saw the woman, he called a council of all swimming animals. They said: "We must save the woman and make her a home".
The leader commanded the frog: "Dive and bring up dirt from the tree roots." The frog tried and failed.
The mouse tried also and failed. Finally, the Big Toad volunteered: "I will try".
At this, all animals jeered and laugh except Big Turtle who said: "You do well to try. Perhaps you will be lucky".
The old Toad took a long breath and went down, down. At last, a bubble of air came up and the old Toad followed. In its mouth she carried a few grains of sand, which she spread around the edge of Big Turtle's shell. Then an island grew on Big Turtle's back, and it became Bohol island, and the woman lived upon it.
If anyone will examine carefully the shape of the turtle's back , he will find some similarity to the shape of the island of Bohol.
The woman seemed to feel cold. She needed more light to keep her warm. The animals held a council again. Said Little Turtle: "If I could only get up into the sky, I could gather the lightning and make a light".
"You do will try, perhaps you will be luck", said the Big Turtle.
One day, not long after dark, a whirling cloud carried Little Turtle up into the sky where he gathered lightning, and made sun and moon gave light to the woman. During all this time, the woman lived with an old man whom she found on the island. They lived together and gave birth to twin boys. As they grew, one was kind and the other was cruel. Good one prepared Bohol for the coming of people. He made smooth plains, forests, rivers, and many animals. Good one made fishes without scales; Bad one coated them with large scales, hard to scrape off. Bad one went to the west and died. Good one went on improving Bohol and removing evils brought forth by his brother. Last of all, he made Boholanos by taking two lumps of earth and shaped them like human figures. Then he spat on them and they became man and woman. They were endowed by Good One with sterling qualities; like industry, hospitality, obedience, good nature and peace loving.
The two were married and they lived together. Good One gave them seeds of different kinds and planted them. Good One made the great eel, a snake-like fish in the river. He also made the great crab, and let it go wherever it liked. When the great crab bit the great eel, it wriggled, and this movement produced earthquake. That is why Bohol has plenty of crabs (both land and sea), and eels, for they were first created by Good One. Boholanos relish them for food but they always respected the toad. The Boholanos do not eat frogs or toads or land turtles as other Visayans so, no matter how palatable they are as a dish. Many call the old toad grandmother even today. Grandmother toad endowed the Boholanos with sterling qualities.
(From Boholano Folklore by Maria Caseñas Pajo.)

Duero Town of Bohol Philippines
The coastal town of Duero lies on the southeastern part of the province of Bohol. Going northward, it is the first town after the busy port town of Jagna. From Tagbilaran City, it is the 9th town, 73.1 kilometers away; a trip that takes only an hour or less of non-stop driving.
A trip to Duero is rewarding, that is, if you drop by the several attractions along the way such as the Baclayon church, the oldest church in the island; Prony the python at Albur ; a dip at Badiang Spring Resort in Valencia and at Roxas Park in Garcia Hernandez; and a taste of the pride of Jagna, the calamay.
A panoramic view of the sea and the view, now and then, of Bohol’s coastline and on one side, the scenic rice paddies, corn fields, coconut and banana groves plus heritage homes that you pass by on your way to Duero are enough to make your day.
Duero is a peaceful town, inhabited by 17,254 people as per census records of 2007 who are mostly Roman Catholics brought about by a conquering expedition from Spain in 1860. It was declared a municipality two years later.
The people’s pride is their church and convent, built in the year 1868, and is the oldest building in the municipality. The Duero Church , although advocated to Santa Felomina at first, is presently dedicated to the Immaculate Conception whose feast day they celebrate with much revelry every 8th of December. You cannot miss it since it lies along the national highway.
Prominent institutions lying along the highway are the two-storey school buildings of the Immaculate Conception Academy, a private school run by Augustinian Recollects and across the street from the Academy, the public school building of Duero Central Elementary School.
The town of Duero occupies a land area of 8,890 hectares which has been politically subdivided into 21 barangays, to wit: Alejawan, Angilan, Anibongan, Bangwalog, Cansuhay, Danao, Duay, Guinsularan, Imelda, Itum, Langkis, Lobogon, Madua Norte, Madua Sur, Mambool, Mawi, Payao, San Antonio (Poblacion), San Isidro, San Pedro and Tatay.
Duero men were practically farmers during the Spanish Regime and the women wove sinamay and saguran. At present, farming and weaving occupies most of the households of the municipality with a few working in local government offices and engaged in trade. Others, the lucky and hardworking ones, sought employment abroad and now support their families and helped to change the skyline of Duero by building beautiful homes and edifices.
Aside from the towering church of the Immaculate Conception, the town boasts of a stretch of beach blessed with white sand and fringed with coconut palm trees, a haunt of the locals especially during weekends and summer months. The waters along the coast of Duero are unpolluted, crystal clear and rich in marine life. On a clear day, the Camiguin Island with the prominent volcanic peak of Mt. Hibok-Hibok can be seen.
Another place worthy to visit is Camp Verde – considered a historical spot since it was the last bastion of the Boholano insurgents during World War II; an excellent fort accessible only through one entrance. Camp Verde is a wooded cliff fortified by the insurgents when the war broke out between the Filipinos and the Americans and up to the time of the Japanese occupation.
Not last, and neither is the least, is the Lord of Pardon Hill. Special Masses are held there during the Holy Week. The cemented works of art of the 14 Stations of the Cross dot the pathway up to the top of the hill where a big black cross stands. The top of the hill gives you a panoramic and sweeping view of the mountains and coastline of Duero, Guindulman and Anda.
Duero has a total municipality land area of 5889.6966 hectare or 58.89 sq. kilometers based on the Cadastral Survey conducted in 1986. It is composed of twenty-one (21) barangays from which nine (9) are coastal and twelve (12) are located inland.
The northern half of the municipality of Duero has a hilly to mountainous terrain with 18% - 50% over slope, represented by a moderately steep to very steep with elevation ranging from 285 –720 meters above mean sea level, while the Southern half is characterized by level to rolling terrain with 0 – 18% slope and an elevation ranging from 45-m.amsl near the coast to 300m.amsl. further inland.
In the municipality of Duero a total of 607.4 land area is susceptible to extreme/high erosion.
As of 1997, rainfall data from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) showed that Duero has a total rainfall of 26,995 millimeters an average rainfall of 449.92 millimeters. The heavy rainfall occur during the month of July (4,450 ml), September (3,710 ml) and December (3,190 ml).
Hydrogeological interpretation is based on the inventory of well records from Bohol collected during water sources survey in 1998 and information on geological formations from geologic maps and related literature.
Quaternary alluvium covers 5.89 sq km (9.06% of the municipal area), Sierra Bullones Limestone covers 18.11 sq km (27.84% of the municipal area), Carmen Formation covers 16.39 sq km (25.21% of the municipal area), Boctol Serpentinite covers 22.62 sq km (34.79% of the municipal area) and Pillow Basalt covers 2.01 sq km or 3.09% of the municipal area.
Quaternary Alluvium consists of mud, silt, sand, gravel and coral, and shell deposits along low coastal lands and swampy areas, beaches, small flood and river bed deposits. Aquifers with development potential are formed in this formation, wherever there are permeable layers of sand, gravel, coral sand shell deposits. This is confirmed by 162 (160 shallow, 1 open dug and 1 deep) wells drilled in this formation and 4 springs . However, proximity to the coast reduces development potential due to risk of salinewater intrusion
Sierra Bullones Limestone, is a massive, cavernous fossiliferous limestone unit. This formation could be a potential source for water supply. There are 7 wells and 40 springs located in this formation.
Carmen Formation is composed of extensive layers of shale, sandstone, siltstone and marl of low permeability. Shallow aquifer is formed in this formation, as indicated by numerous shallow wells drilled in this formation. However, the formation has a low groundwater potential, due to predominance of shale, siltstone and marl layers of low permeability. There are 149 (135 shallow, 7 free flowing, 5 deep and 2 open dug) wells and 4 springs are located in this formation.
Boctol Serpentinite is ultramatic rock, which are highly sheared, fine to coarse grained and greenish black to bluish green. Semi-schistose to talcose minerals commonly occurs in fractures as fillings. The formation has low permeability and poor groundwater development potential. There are 37 (35 shallow and free flowing) wells are drilled in this formation and 18 springs.
Duero has a total municipality land area of 5889.6966 hectare or 58.89 sq. kilometers based on the Cadastral Survey conducted in 1986. It is composed of twenty-one (21) barangays from which nine (9) are coastal and twelve (12) are located inland.
The northern half of the municipality of Duero has a hilly to mountainous terrain with 18% - 50% over slope, represented by a moderately steep to very steep with elevation ranging from 285 –720 meters above mean sea level, while the Southern half is characterized by level to rolling terrain with 0 – 18% slope and an elevation ranging from 45-m.amsl near the coast to 300m.amsl. further inland.
In the municipality of Duero a total of 607.4 land area is susceptible to extreme/high erosion.
As of 1997, rainfall data from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) showed that Duero has a total rainfall of 26,995 millimeters an average rainfall of 449.92 millimeters. The heavy rainfall occur during the month of July (4,450 ml), September (3,710 ml) and December (3,190 ml).
Hydrogeological interpretation is based on the inventory of well records from Bohol collected during water sources survey in 1998 and information on geological formations from geologic maps and related literature.
Quaternary alluvium covers 5.89 sq km (9.06% of the municipal area), Sierra Bullones Limestone covers 18.11 sq km (27.84% of the municipal area), Carmen Formation covers 16.39 sq km (25.21% of the municipal area), Boctol Serpentinite covers 22.62 sq km (34.79% of the municipal area) and Pillow Basalt covers 2.01 sq km or 3.09% of the municipal area.
Quaternary Alluvium consists of mud, silt, sand, gravel and coral, and shell deposits along low coastal lands and swampy areas, beaches, small flood and river bed deposits. Aquifers with development potential are formed in this formation, wherever there are permeable layers of sand, gravel, coral sand shell deposits. This is confirmed by 162 (160 shallow, 1 open dug and 1 deep) wells drilled in this formation and 4 springs . However, proximity to the coast reduces development potential due to risk of salinewater intrusion
Sierra Bullones Limestone, is a massive, cavernous fossiliferous limestone unit. This formation could be a potential source for water supply. There are 7 wells and 40 springs located in this formation.
Carmen Formation is composed of extensive layers of shale, sandstone, siltstone and marl of low permeability. Shallow aquifer is formed in this formation, as indicated by numerous shallow wells drilled in this formation. However, the formation has a low groundwater potential, due to predominance of shale, siltstone and marl layers of low permeability. There are 149 (135 shallow, 7 free flowing, 5 deep and 2 open dug) wells and 4 springs are located in this formation.
Boctol Serpentinite is ultramatic rock, which are highly sheared, fine to coarse grained and greenish black to bluish green. Semi-schistose to talcose minerals commonly occurs in fractures as fillings. The formation has low permeability and poor groundwater development potential. There are 37 (35 shallow and free flowing) wells are drilled in this formation and 18 springs.